This Halloween season I have become a bit obsessed with the idea of googly eyes. Sure they can be a little creepy (perfect for Halloween!), but they are possibly one of the easiest things to DIY into a bunch of different mediums. I have about 4 ideas already in the works and can’t wait to share all the ideas with you! But first up is this googly eye party featuring a googly eye balloon arch! After having such a fun time with my balloon garland costume, I had the idea to do an all white balloon garland and then paint on black dots for the eyes and turn it into a googly eye garland. While someone pointed out that it could be a tryophobia nightmare (even if it isn’t technically holes), I figure that just means that it’s perfect for Halloween!

In hindsight, I probably should have styled this against a colored wall as it is kind of difficult to see the balloons in all their googly eye amazingness against the white wall. But you can still see how fun this would be for a Halloween party, so that’s all that really matters!
Supplies for your own googly eye balloon arch:
- 1-2 packs of 100, 5″ balloons (I used 1 pack, but if you need a larger arch, go with a second pack)
- 1 pack of 12, 11″ balloons
- black acrylic craft paint
- cool glue gun and glue sticks
- balloon pump
Begin by blowing up one balloon and tie it off as normal. Then blow up your next balloon and tie it onto the knot of the first to begin your cluster. Repeat until you have a cluster of 4-5 balloons. Then move on to your next cluster. Repeat this process until you have only about 12-15 balloons left. Blow these up and keep them as individual balloons.
Next, use your cool glue gun to attach the clusters to each other into a free form pattern. Use the individual balloons to fill in any gaps and make the arch more full. Once you have the arch the way you like, it’s time to paint on your googly eye. Using the acrylic paint and your finger, paint on a circle on most of the balloons. Then let dry.
Once dry, affix the balloon arch to the wall using mounting squares or packing tape and push pins.
For the rest of the party, I used honeycomb balls and added in a few 1″ foam balls than I drew a black eye on with a sharpie. I also pushed a few of these foam balls onto the end of acrylic drink stirrers for the glasses. One large googly eye on the front of the drink dispenser (which you can get here!) and of course no party is complete without desserts!
Our googly eye s’mores pie fit right in and a few white gum balls with black eyes drawn on with a food coloring marker completed the googly eye look.
So, what do you think? Are you freaked out by all the eyes staring at you? Or is it the perfect about for creep for Halloween?
I am particularly obsessed with the googly eye garland and I think it would be amazing to make it even bigger and turn it into a photo backdrop for a Halloween party. Or you could add a ring of blue around the black and turn it into straight up eyeballs for an even creepier effect! ooooh!
March 12th, 2018 at 1:52 pm
[…] petits monstres qui ne font pas peur ? C’est l’idée géniale de cette bloggueuse qui a simplement dessiné des ronds noirs sur ses ballons blancs pour faire des yeux ! Ambiance […]
October 20th, 2018 at 10:03 am
[…] for your party. And yes – this can be done on the cheap! Look at these examples below from akailochiclife and pizzazzerie. Notice the themes? That’s right – googly eyes or pink! Literally […]