First I found a nice large frame with about a 2″ flat surface to paint on. I then free handed a swirly design on the frame with some puff paint and let that dry overnight. Please pardon the horrible drawing, next time I won’t free form paint, but sketch it out first. I am just not that skilled in the art department.

Once the puff paint was dry, I used a bright colorful spray paint to completely cover the frame and drawing. After I did this, it really helped to hide my awful drawing and made the frame look awesome. Before spray painting, just remember to either cover the glass in the frame with paper or remove it from the frame.
You are now welcome to stop at the point since you now have a pretty, colorful photo frame. I wanted to use this frame to display some of my new necklaces that I have been working in for the renegade craft fair that I am selling at on May 19-20 here in Austin. In order to get the frame ready for jewelry, I took out the glass and replaced it with cork covered foam core. I used the sticky back cork contact paper and covered a piece of white foam core and cut it to fit in my frame. Then I just secured it in with some glue and staples and voila! Cute jewelry display frame! Now I just have to finish the 8 others I have waiting for me.