You guys! I am SO EXCITED about this project! As I was brainstorming Valentine’s Day ideas, I had the idea to create little macaron shaped gift boxes. It was like one of those light bulb moments where you have an idea, know exactly how you want to make it, and wonder why you never thought of it before. But I am happy to say that this project is as easy as it is cute and you might (just MIGHT) get addicted to making them in every color and size even if you have no one to give them all to. Or maybe that’s just me!
Can you even?! The cuteness of these boxes is almost too much to handle. Who wouldn’t want to get a gift in one of these?!
The Supplies:
- Paper Mache Round Gift Boxes (you need two in each size so that you have two lids)
- Spray paint in an assortment of colors + white
- Glue
Tissue, Ribbon, faux flowers for gift toppers (optional)
You gotta love it when the supply list is that short!
Basically you will take a lid from one box and then the lid and base from another box to create one macaron. Just spray paint the two lids the same color and the base of the box white for the filling. Once the paint is dry, glue one lid to the bottom of the box and use the other as the actual lid. Easy right?!
Once finished, you can add tissue paper and your gift to the inside. How does a macaron filled with macarons sound?
You can then top your macaron with a few faux flowers or just tie a pretty ribbon around them for the cutest gift ever! And as for the extra box bottoms, you can bet I am crafting up a plan to use those for another DIY, so fret not.
August 28th, 2019 at 9:40 am
[…] Best DIY Macaron Box from Craft It Colorful Macaron Gift Boxes A Kailo Chic Life. Source Image: Visit this site for details: […]