I usually am not one to think of balloons when it comes to the holidays, but after last years balloon garland tree, I now want to incorporate them into every holiday party. To give the balloons a little extra holiday flair, I turned to my trusty vinyl cutter and created the cutest large colorful reindeer balloons ever! These cam together super easily, so much so that I didn’t end up taking any process photos! But no fear, I am going to walk you through the tutorial.
- 36″ balloons (I used colorful ones, but you can also use brown or tan for a more traditional look)
- Gold glitter cardstock
- Cardboard scraps or old box
- X-acto knife
- Small 5″ balloons
- White or black vinyl for the eyelashes
- Cool glue gun
- Vinyl cutter of your choice (I use a Cricut)
- This eyelash .png file and this antler .png file
Begin by downloading the antler and eyelash templates, then upload them into the vinyl cutter software of your choice and do a trace to make them into outlines. Next, cut out the eyelashes from the white or black vinyl. After the eyelashes are cut, use the antler template to cut out the antlers from the gold glitter card stock using your vinyl cutter on the the glitter card stock setting.
The next step is to stabilize your antlers by cutting a small strip of cardboard that is the height of the antler and using the glue gun to adhere the card stock to the strip of cardboard.
Next, blow up your 36″ balloons and the 5″ balloon and tie. The final step is to use the cool glue gun to attach the antlers to the top of the balloon (I had to glue the antlers on then add a large strip of glue to both the front and back of the antler to support it and keep it upright) and the small balloon nose, and then simply remove the eyelashes from the vinyl paper backing and stick them on like a sticker.
Now you have some of the cutest and easiest decorations for your holiday party! I love the impact of these large 36″ balloons, but you can easily do this same tutorial with any size balloon, just be sure to scale the eyelashes and antlers accordingly!

March 12th, 2018 at 1:52 pm
[…] ! On sort des traditionnelles couleurs rouges et vertes pour une ambiance plus pop ! Retrouvez ce petit tuto adorable pour customiser vos ballons en rennes […]