Are you ready for Easter?! I have so many ideas that I have just been waiting to share with you! First up are these DIY felt ball Easter drink stirrers featuring a chick, lamb, bunny, and egg shaped felt balls. I love felt ball garlands, but only recently realized how easy it was to add cut felt to them to make them even more amazing. These stirrers are pretty simple to make and they will make your Easter celebration even more festive. Plus, you can easily swap the drink stirrer for a wood skewer and turn them into cupcake toppers! (Or…if you don’t have time to craft, you can get felt ball bunny drink stirrers pre-made from the Kailo Chic shop!)
–2 cm felt balls in white, yellow, and assorted colors of the eggs
-Felt sheets in white, light pink, orange, and yellow
-1cm white pom poms (3 for each lamb)
–Tiny pink pom poms for bunny nose
-Hot glue
–Acrylic drink stirrers
-Black thin sharpie
For the bunny stirrer, you will want to cut out two white ears and two light pink inner ears. Then use the glue gun to attach the pink to the white and then glue them onto one of the white felt balls. The last step is to glue on the pink pom nose.
For the lamb, glue on three white pom poms to the top of the 2cm felt ball and then cut two tiny white ears and glue them on under the pom poms for the ears. Finally add on a pink felt nose and draw on eyelashes with the black sharpie.
For the chick, cut a jagged piece of yellow felt for the tuft of feathers on the top of the head and glue them onto the yellow felt ball. Next add two orange triangles for the beak and add two black dots for the eyes.
For the egg shaped felt balls, simply roll the colored felt balls in your hands to reform them into an oval egg shape.
Once you have all your shapes, use the glue gun to attach the felt balls to the acrylic drink stirrers.
Are they not just the absolute cutest DIY felt ball Easter drink stirrers ever?! I honestly can’t choose a favorite, but that pom pom lamb hair is pretty amazing! Any other shapes that you think I am missing? Let me know so I can add them to the mix!
And check out this coordinating DIY felt ball bunny garland, or buy a pre-made one in the Kailo Chic shop!

March 6th, 2018 at 4:56 am
These are adorable! I have a heap of drink stirrers ready to turn into DIY projects, and this has inspired me to start brainstorming! Can’t wait to see what else you have planned for Easter ☺️