DIY Knotted Drink Stirrers

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You know I mentioned how to me fall is all about textures and bringing them into my home? Well, yarn home decor projects aren’t the only way to do that. Sometimes you can fake textures with other craft supplies and turn them into super cute bar cart accessories. These DIY knotted drink stirrers are the perfect addition to your fall cocktails like this apple pie sangria and they can be made with just a few packs of clay and some acrylic drink stirrers. Now who else is ready to host a fall gathering? May I suggest a pumpkin painting party?!

DIY Knotted Drink Stirrers

DIY Knotted Drink Stirrers

Materials for DIY Knotted Drink Stirrers:

FIMO polymer clay in your choice of colors ( I used army green, dark purple, coral, emerald, and light pink)
Acrylic drink stirrers
-Baking sheet and oven to cure the clay

DIY Knotted Drink Stirrers

DIY Knotted Drink Stirrers

Using 1/4 of the clay brick, roll the clay into a 1/8″ thick log shape. Then take a marble sized piece of clay and roll it into a ball. Next, wrap the clay log around the ball three times and cut off the extra. Turn the ball 90 degrees and wrap the clay log around the ball in this perpendicular direction 3 times then cut off the extra. Finally, wrap the last section of the clay log around the ball perpendicular to the middle layer to create a knotted ball (I believe it is technically called a monkey fist knot). Once you have made all your knots, gently press the drink stirrer end into the clay and then remove. Place the clay knots on the baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes at 275F. Let cool and then reinsert the acrylic drink stirrer into the hole.

DIY Knotted Drink Stirrers

DIY Knotted Drink Stirrers

DIY Knotted Drink Stirrers

Use the DIY knotted drink stirrers at your next knitting club meeting or just to adorn your favorite fall cocktail. Whenever you use them, they are sure to make your drink a little more fall festive! Cheers!

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