This past weekend I packed up my Christmas decor. In the process, I realized that I never did open up these cute balloon dog ornaments I bought. I saw them in the store and just had to have them, but then life and the holidays happened. So there they sat, still in their package. So, I decided to give them a makeover for the new year. That way, I could still use them! All it took was a little spray paint in fun matte colors and some gold jewelry wire. Suddenly I had the absolute cutest DIY balloon dog photo holders ever! I mean I just can’t help but smile when I see them!
So adorable, right?!
Materials for DIY Balloon Dog Photo Holders:
– Balloon dog shatterproof ornaments
– Pliers
– Drill with small bit
– Spray paint in your chosen colors (or leave them as is if you prefer)
– 18 gauge gold jewelry wire
– Hot glue
Begin by using the pliers to clip off the ornament loop from the dogs back. Then use the drill to drill a small hold in the back of the dog.
Next, spray paint the dogs into your chosen colors. You can also keep the dogs as is, but I liked the matte look better than the high gloss shine on the ornaments.
Once you have your painted and dried balloon dogs, cut an 8″ piece of jewelry wire and straighten it out with your hands as best as possible. Then use the pliers to bend one end into a paper clip shape. Next, place the wire into the hole you drilled and use a small amout of hot glue to keep it in place (if needed).
Ocne the glue is dry, the DIY balloon dog photo holders are ready for you to use to hold your photos and mementos.
I am so obsessed and hope you are too! If you didn’t grab some of the balloon dogs during the holidays, check the link above in the materials section or search for them online on ebay and maybe you can grab a set before they are gone. Here is to a fun new year full of color and all the pretty things!

January 12th, 2019 at 6:27 am
[…] See The Original Article For Instructions […]
March 16th, 2019 at 12:28 pm
[…] into dogs and this is a great reminder of those little memories of our precious childhood. Over at A Kailo Chic Life, she’ll show you how to make these photo holders using shatterproof ornaments, hot glue, […]
May 21st, 2019 at 5:01 am
[…] A little spray paint in fun matte colors and some gold jewelry wire later and you can have the absolute cutest DIY balloon dog photo holders ever! Get the tutorial from A Kailo Chic Life. […]
January 21st, 2020 at 7:55 am
January 24th, 2020 at 8:48 am
Thank you!