Have you all seen the rise in the popularity of grazing boards and charcuterie boards over the last few months? I made a giant one for my Christmas craft party during the holidays and I have to tell you, it was the best meal ever! Everyone loved snacking off of it and I really loved creating the smorgasbord of yumminess. Lately they seem to be all over Pinterest and Instagram for every holiday. Easter is no exception, but that isn’t going to stop me from making my own. Hopefully there are a few ideas here that you can add to your Easter grazing board to wow your guests and have them clammoring for a taste!
One tip to making your grazing board jaw dropping, is to go big or go home. This giant charcuterie board is from World Market and it measures about 30″ long by 12″ wide. That is huge! But that means there is a ton of space to fill it to the brim with crackers, cheese, fruit, and veggies. The more you can fit in, the more amazing it looks!
Start with the Cheese!
For this Easter grazing board, I started with the cheese. Since it was going to be for kids and adults, I included mild cheeses like herb havarti, fresh mozzarella, and colby jack. To make the cheese “on theme” I used a paring knife to cut the havarti into a bunny shape and a cookie cutter to cut the colby jack cheese into flower shapes. Then I layered them on the board ontop of acrylic eggs shaped platters that I cut from my Glowforge.
Add in Crackers
Once the cheese was on, I added in this cute carrot olive tray from Home Goods. And finally added on the crackers of all different types and sizes (of course cheddar bunnies were necessary!).
All the Fruits and Veggies
Now that all the big items were on the board, it was time to layer in the fruits, meats, hard boiled eggs, and veggies (carrots of course!, cucumbers, and orange tomatoes). Yes, those mini looking carrots are actually tomatoes! To make them look like carrots, I poked a hole in the top of the tomato and pushed a piece of parsley into the hole. Are they not just the cutest thing ever?!
Herbs and Edible Flowers
The final touch was a few edible flowers and herbs. I am lucky enough to have an herb garden in my backyard, so I added in sage flowers, green onion flowers, and fresh rosemary to the board. I think the addition of the flowers really screams spring time and takes the board up a notch, don’t you?
Once the board is complete (just keep tucking in snacks until they are almost spilling over the sides), add in a few cheese knives and your done. Now tell me your Easter guests wouldn’t be beside themselves to get their hands (and mouths) on an Easter grazing board this pretty!

April 10th, 2019 at 4:22 am
Wow! The Easter board looks so great! Thank you for the inspiration!
April 16th, 2019 at 7:24 am
This is beautiful! Thank you for the ideas!
March 28th, 2020 at 12:56 pm
[…] Easter Grazing Board […]