This post, How to Make a Marbled Framed Mirror, is sponsored by Consumer Crafts. Thanks for supporting the brands that keep the lights on and the crafting going strong!
You all loved my marbled planters, so I figured I would share this colorful marbled framed mirror with you too! The marbling technique that I used for this mirror is different from the technique used for the planters, but it still gives the swirls of color I know we all love. If you have never tried paint pouring, what are you waiting for? The technique is so addictive and you never know what your results will be. It’s like crafting roulette, execpt all the outcomes are pretty marbled pieces!

Supplies to make your own DIY marbled framed mirror
– Wood round
– Acrylic craft paint in white and 3-4 complimentary colors (I chose light pink, dark pink, turquoise, and coral)
– Disposable cups
– Popsicle sticks for stirring
– Pouring medium
– Craft mirror
– E6000 glue
– Covered/protected surface
Begin by filling your cups with the acrylic craft paint. For this 12″ wood round I used half of each 2 ounce bottle of paint.

Next, add the pouring medium in a ratio of 2 parts paint to 2 part pouring medium and stir to combine. Next, start with your white paint cup and alternate pouring the colors of paint into the cup of white paint to layer the paint colors.

Once all the paint is in the one cup, pour out the paint on your wood round (make sure the surface under your wood round is covered with plastic wrap or some other disposable covering because it is about to get messy).

Pick up the wood round and tip it back and forth to spread the paint out and over the edges of the wood.

This will create your marble look. Now set the wood round down and let dry fully for a few hours or overnight.

Once dry, use the E6000 glue to attach a mirror to the wood round. Once the glue has dried overnight, you can use adhesive wall strips to hang the mirror on the wall or simply prop it up on your vanity.

I love the wide strip of marble peeking around on all sides of the mirror, but you can always adjust the size of the wood round and the size of the mirror that you use to give you more or less marble framing. Now the only question is, what colors are you going to use for your DIY marble framed mirror?!

July 4th, 2019 at 3:44 pm
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November 5th, 2019 at 8:05 am
I am going to try this. Love it