I am so honored to be a part of the HEB initiative, #TexansHelpingTexans, to help share 3 simple ways to help others during social distancing. HEB is my go to grocery store and they have been really stepping forward and helping out our community during this pandemic. So I am happy to share a few ways that I have been trying to do my part to help others as well.
Everyone in our community is dealing with social distancing, quarantine, and uncertainty, that is why my family and I have been trying to spread a few smiles and give some joy to those at home with a few simple activites and gifts.
3 Simple Ways to Help Others
Gifting Baked Goods
The first simple way to spread a few smiles and give you an activity to do at home is baking for neighbors. My kids and I made a batch of cookies, placed them on rainbow plates I had stashed away, and dropped them on door steps of neighbors. As we pulled away, I sent a quick text letting the neighbors know that a small treat was waiting for them outside.

The texts of thank you’s and smiling kids eating the cookies, let me know that they worked their magic!
Making Craft Kits for Neighborhood Libraries
I am lucky enough to have amassed a large collection of craft supplies over the years, so I put them to good use and assembled craft kits for neighbors to enjoy with their kids or on their own. Now you may not have the same ability to create craft kits, but I encourage you to think of ways that you can spread a little cheer. Maybe you can facetime a few friends with kids to read outloud to them. My husband has been creating seek and finds with objects around the house and photographing them to share online with friends and family.
I encourage you to find ways you can share your strengths with neighbors and others during this time. It doesn’t have to be a huge gesture, sometimes it is the small things that make the biggest impact.

Wildflowers and DIY Flower Vases:
The last way that I helped spread a little local cheer was to create a few flower arrangements with neighbors. I took a walk and collected a handful of wildflowers, then spent the afternoon with my daughter making flowers vases with scrap adhesive vinyl and glass vases I had on hand (empty glass food jars also work perfectly for this craft). Just simple shapes or stripes cut with scissors made each vase special. We the put the flowers in the vases and dropped them off at neighbors doors just like the cookies.

Such simple activities and that not only kept my family entertained, but helped us spread the love to other fellow Texans. I am so proud to be a Texan and to help HEB spread the message of helping others.

April 26th, 2020 at 9:28 pm
You ideas are great. I didn’t think about the glass vases. I just read this out loud with my daughter (16 yr old going on 21😜). We are going to make them and drop them off at our family and her friends door. Thank you for the inspiration. We are from the Galveston area.
April 28th, 2020 at 9:03 am
Wonderful! I am sure your family and friends will love them!
May 18th, 2020 at 6:04 pm
Oh my gosh, I LOVE this post!! I’m a big believer in being kind and spreading positivity and this post just made my heart smile! Thank you for sharing these simple and giving ideas! We need more people like you in the world 😀
– Sabrina ♡