Let me introduce you to the latest home decor craft kits I just launched. Kits for Easy DIY Yarn Wall Hangings! These laser cut wood pieces make creating your own wall hangings a snap. And they are completely customizable so that you can get the perfect look for your home.

Just choose your shape, size, and wood finish from our shop and then add your own paint detailing and yarn. Use a simple cow hitch to attach the yarn to the bottom panel piece until it is filled, then trim the yarn and hang. So easy and quick (most take less than 20 minutes to make). And you can customize them any way you like!

I am pretty partial to the geometric arch, but tell me which design is your favorite? And if you were to make one, how would you craft the perfect wall hanging? Plain walnut wood with black yarn? Or all the colors?
And, for more options for Easy DIY Yarn Wall Hangings, check out these additional modern yarn wall hangings! I am always coming up with new designs, so make sure to check back in the shop often. I also have other craft kits, including ones to make your own wall hooks. I even have some you can use to create fun light fixtures!